
Sunday, 19 August 2012

EXODUS of NE brothers and sisters

The massive exodus of north-eastern people highlights two dangerous acts that have immense capacity to blow into national disaster leading to major racial division. The first one is the certain fanatic members of religious groups who are trying to spread rumours under the pretext of oppression of certain community in Assam and then another group of fanatics who are using this feeling to create communal divide. The depth of this can only be understood once investigation is over.
The second one is the use of social media by the rumour mongers and irresponsible behaviour of members of the social medias in sharing such messages without knowing for ‘why or what’. Many a times members in Social Media share and like without even knowing what is it and why they should share.  The massive sharing of such racial and threat messages also shows anti north east feeling in people if not in larger sense but at least in back of their mind. 

But who ever may be behind present massive exodus of our brothers and sisters from north east, we have to help stop this before it blow up into a national disaster.

Friday, 3 August 2012

ANNA to Join Politics.

Anna Hazare has decided to join Politics. Its a decesion which I say must be welcomed by every one, even his opposer. I personally never supported Anna's movement because its lacked any ideology, but if he can walk on his principals in politics it will be very good. Anna Hazare while in the anti corruption movement was totally unaware of the ground reality. 
But if Anna woul
d be able to walk on principles even in politics and at the same time run the system ( the only Indian to do so was Mahatma Gandhi) it would be a great thing.
Also what is important is the political line he takes, as of now he said his movement is not a party and doesn't have any high command. A group without in politics with clear political ideology is like a bird without its wings.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

US tightens sanctions on Iran

A day after US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said the "military option' against Iran is on the table, Obama administration has put in place more sanctions against Iranian Oil Companies. The new sanction regime forces many countries to cut the import of Iranian Oil. Iran is the last standing post in the Persian Gulf. With Syria in turmoil and US assuming that Syrian regime will soon bow down. The Syria and Iran which form part of the US code name 'axis of evil'.
With major Oil reserves around the world estimated to last only until mid of this century or even before, Oil is a strategic resource. The concept of Peak Oil which may be far away but not can't be ignored is what pushing United States to control the Oil production and transportation. In this 21st century the country who have the control over production and transportation of the 'Black Gold', is one which rules the world economic and thus the maintains the hegemony.
This is the whole issue which guides US and its Corporate entities to ensure that no country try to nationalize the oil production especially countries who oppose US imperialism in the Middle east. Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran are the victims of this US Policy.