
Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Syrian Chaos

Starting from Afghanistan, then Iraq, Libya and now Syria and next may be Iran all spanning two continents have one thing in common: A perfect example how International Community were made Jokers for Western policy of regime change. In each case International Community was fooled by US and its allies stating artificially created issues portrayed as genuine and which required urgent intervention: Global Terrorism, Weapons of Mass destruction, State sponsored terrorism and human rights and in Syria another issue of so called Democracy & Human rights.

Each time the world community after the intervention saw the mistakes but then again went on committing the same, with the last victim being Libya. Now its Syria, no doubt there is requirement of Mr Assad government to take pro people reforms and consider the genuine aspiration of people. But at the same time it is well clear how west is again trying to create situations of near civil war which will eventually lead to UN backed intervention and achieving its vested interest of pro US regime change under UN behest.
The recent massacre in Syria is one that can't be ignored but the world must cautiously move as the same issue of massacre was used to NATO's intervention into former Yugoslavia though the massacre was never established.

No doubt the rebel forces in Syria are being heavily armed by West and its allied and even presence of CIA and NATO operators on ground are obvious. The theory of Sabotage is not new in US dictionary and to create one they won't even feel ashamed to kill hundreds of innocent children & women and if needed in one go.

The only hopes are ex United Nations sec. gen. Kofi Annan, who is backbone of Syrian- Rebel diplomacy and Russia & China whose strong presence can stop another Libya like misadventure under UN flag.

(The policy of regime change was actually planned by former president of US Mr Bush. As a direct war at present international scenario is impossible the new method is through artificailly creater issues and sabotage. The classified documents which were leaked in 2008 showed use of CIA, NATO, terrorist groups and even Western Media to achieve the plan)

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