
Sunday 14 August 2011

Independence of India....65years before

Tommorrow ...exactly 65yrs back we India broke the chain of colonial rule, just a day before on 14th our sister Pakistan got a new home. Though we broke the external chain we were bound by many internal chain of problems.
Today after 65yrs we are still bound by these, problems which at that time were thought will be eliminated by the intellectual ppl of India. But this group forget its duty and just worked for itself, rasied high rises and millions and called India a emerging country.

A superpower with more than 50 percent people under similar colonial conditions deorived of a better living hope and rights.
The person Mahatma Gandhi who worked hard to break both inner and outer chain was killed just after the independenc...e by a change opposer communalist and unfortunetly with him died the hope of change.
The resasons of India's condition were not the British ....the responsible ppl were we ourselves.

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